What makes University Dental Associates different.

Superior Care from Leading Oral Health Experts & Educators

Our patients receive superior care from University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) dentistry professors who have expertise in all areas of dentistry and oral health.

We are passionate about educating the next generation of Nebraska dentists and providing exceptional patient care to the people of Nebraska.

Cutting-Edge Dental Treatments

Our patients have access to cutting-edge dental treatments. Our dentists are pioneers in innovative dental technologies and techniques.

Every day our dentists are shaping the future of dentistry - in their classrooms where they train the next generation of Nebraska dentists and in their laboratories where they perform vital oral health care research.

Receive All Routine & Specialized Care in One Location

We are the largest group of general dentists and specialists in Nebraska. This means our patients enjoy the convenience of receiving all their routine and specialized dental care in one location.

Passion for Educating Patients

Our dentists take the time to understand patients’ unique dental needs. As educators, they excel in helping patients understand their treatment options.

Our dentists are passionate about educating patients on how to achieve optimal oral health and how to prevent dental problems. Prevention is key to a healthy smile.